Hill WomanHill Woman Productions
Wellesley Island NY  800-600-3831
Artfully blended Herbs, Oils and more
orders taken 9 am - 10:30 pm est 7 days a week


Winter's wishHoliday Specials good from now through late December, maybe that
special something for a stocking-stuffer or gift exchange.

Winter's Wish Potpourri
A gentle, herby, floral blend crafted with herbs and flowers associated
with Health, Love, Peace, Prosperity and other good things we wish
for the ones we love, accented with Pine and Bayberry. Comes with
the Winter's Wish poem.
$6.00 per approximately 3/4 cup scoop in paper, or
$7.00 in a contemporary print drawstring pouch.

O'Tannenbaum Spritz -the smell of an old fashioned Christmas in a pump spray bottle!
November-December only. $8.00



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OILS   [Essential]   [Superior Quality]   [Aromatherapy & Spritzes]    
AROMATICS  [Pillows & Potpourri]   [Incense]   [Ritual & Fixatives]  
PETS   [Catnip Kitty Treats] [Doggy Distress Pillows]
BODY & SOUL   [Body & Bath]  [Sue-Ryn's Book & Other Books]
  [Wild Woman Resources]   [Gift Certificates]  
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Contents Copyright 1997-2023 Hill Woman Productions
44027 Cross Island Road, Wellesley Island NY 13640