HILL WOMANHill Woman Productions
Wellesley Island NY  800-600-3831
Artfully blended Herbs, Oils and more

The 2022/23 Calendar of Events

What events? There are no shows coming up in the immediate--or even distant--future. Check back here, or the Hot Flashing page for listings of shows that do manage to go on.

Spring and summer are wildlife rehab season and I am buried in squirrels, but my wares are available via mail order and at Bay House Artisans in Alexandria Bay NY


An admission will be charged at most of these shows,. Shows marked with an asterisk * are ones where attendees are encouraged to bring a food donation.
If you are interested in seeing me at any of these shows, call or send a SASE for more information.  The schedule is made up far  in advance, so please check and make sure the event is still on, and I'll be attending.  For the most up to date listing of shows and stores carrying Hill Woman, check my website. Some of the above dates weren't finalized as this went to press. This list reflects the shows I hope to be at, and when they are presently scheduled to happen.

There will probably be more, especially during the summer season..

Feel free to call, write  or email for more info on any of these shows. 800.600.3831


Can't find something? The Search Page lists all our items, with links back to their pages

OILS   [Essential]   [Superior Quality]   [Aromatherapy & Spritzes]    
AROMATICS  [Pillows & Warmers]  
PETS    [Catnip Kitty Treats] [Doggy Distress Pillows]
[Sue-Ryn's Book and Other Books]
  [Wild Woman Resources]   [Gift Certificates]  
HELP   [FAQ]   [Search]   [Ordering, Shipping & Payment]   [Returns & Refunds]   [Order Form]
ABOUT US   [Hot Flashes]   [More about HWP]   [Gift Baskets & Custom work]
FUN     [Party Animals]   [Dancing for $$$]
OTHER ODD STUFF  [The Pets Page]   [Puzzle Page
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Contents Copyright 1997-2023 Hill Woman Productions
44027 Cross Island Road, Wellesley Island NY 13640